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March 8, 2025: Torah Portion Parashat Tetzaveh - "You Shall Command"

Writer: Dr. Hadassah EliaDr. Hadassah Elia

In this study, we will explore the Torah Portion Tetzaveh - "You Shall Command"

  • Torah Portion: Exodus 27:20-30:10

  • Haftarah: Ezekiel 43:10-27

  • Brit Chadashah (New Testament): Hebrews 13:10-17

Torah Portion Parashat Tetzaveh - "You Shall Command"

Before you read this wonderful Bible study about this special Torah Portion Tetzaveh message for this SHABBAT, please HELP us continue to make a positive impact, partner with us in this vision!

How You Can Make a Difference:

  1.  Pray for Our Mission: We need your prayers as we move forward with this important ministry. Pray for favor, resources, and divine guidance.


  3. As we start off the civil YEAR 2025, we have so many projects and we need your help, for the glory of Adonai! Please DONATE to keep us going.

  4. All of the ministry funds to Restore Israel is for ministerial, educational and charitable purposes. Restore Israel is recognized as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization in the United States.

  5. Your financial support is crucial to making this vision a reality. Whether you give a one-time gift or set up monthly support, every contribution is an investment in the Kingdom of God as we work in producing MUSIC, MEDIA, MERCY MISSIONS, ETC...

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Parashat Tetzaveh - "You Shall Command"

Last week’s Torah Portion Terumah - "Contribution" explained that God had asked for a donation (Terumah) from the people for the sake of creating a portable, tent-like sanctuary called the Mishkan (Tabernacle). ADONAI then showed Moses the pattern according to which the Tabernacle and its furnishings were to be made.

This week's Torah portion Tetzaveh continues the description of the Tabernacle (Mishkan), though the focus shifts to those who will serve within it, namely the kohanim (priests of Israel). First Moses was instructed to tell the Israelites to bring pure olive oil for the lamps of the Menorah, which the High Priest was to light every evening in the Holy Place.

Next God commanded Moses to ordain Aaron and his sons as priests and described the priestly garments they would wear while serving in the Tabernacle.

And you are to command the Israelites to bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to keep the lamps burning continually. Exodus 27:20

Only the first few drops of shemen (oil) pressed from an olive (zayit) were to be used for the menorah, since these were considered the "first fruits" of the olives and also the brightest of oils. The menorah was lit every afternoon and would burn throughout the night. Every morning the kohen (priest) would enter the holy section of the Tabernacle to empty the ashes from the lamps and insert new wicks.

High Priest (Kohen Gadol) was to wear a blue robe that was decorated with pomegranates and golden bells.

All priests were to wear four garments -- linen breeches, tunics, sashes, and turbans, but in addition to these the High Priest (Kohen Gadol) was to wear a blue robe that was decorated with pomegranates and golden bells. Over this robe, an ephod - an "apron" woven of gold, blue, purple, and crimson -- was to be worn, and upon the ephod was attached a breastplate (choshen) inlaid with precious stones inscribed with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. Finally, the High Priest would wear a golden plate engraved with the words "Holy to the LORD" upon the front of his turban.

 Only descendants of Aaron were allowed to wear the priestly garments (a Levite or regular Israelite could not do so), and only while performing avodah (service) in the mishkan. A regular priest had four required garments, whereas the High priest (kohen gadol) had eight.

The priests were to be ordained in a seven-day consecration ceremony that involved washing, dressing, and anointing them with oil and blood, followed by the offering of sacrifices. The priests were further instructed to present burnt offerings twice a day upon the copper altar.

Notice that neither the regular kohanim nor the Kohen Gadol wore shoes or slippers! In other words, they served in the mishkan (and later at the Temple) barefoot!

The breastplate of the High Priest is described in this portion of Torah

The breastplate of the High Priest is described in this portion of Torah. This sacred vestment was worn over the ephod (linen apron) and contained two special gemstones called the urim v'tummin or "lights and perfections" (Exod. 28:30; Lev. 8:8; Num. 27:21; Deut. 33:8).

These stones were used to discern the will of God in some cases (1 Sam. 14:41; 28:6; Ezra 2:63; Neh. 7:65).

Some have claimed that the Shekhinah would cause the urim and tummim to light up and shine upon the 12 gemstones in the breastplate that represented the 12 tribes of Israel.

Since each stone was inscribed with a name of a tribe of Israel, the letters illuminated on the breastplate would reveal an answer to a question posed by the High Priest.

The breastplate was arranged with four rows of three stones. Each stone was inscribed with six letters representing a name of a tribe of Israel (for a total of 72 letters):

1. Row 1: Reuben (ruby), Simeon (topaz), and Levi (garfinkel)

2. Row 2: Judah (carbuncle), Issachar (sapphire), and Zebulun (pearl)

3. Row 3: Dan (jacinth), Naphtali (agate) and Gad (crystal);

4. Row 4: Asher (emerald), Joseph (onyx), and Benjamin (yashneh- an unknown stone).

As believers in MESSIAH YESHUA, we have been appointed likewise to be a kingdom of priests:

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Pet 2:9

We have been given direct access to the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) to discern the will of God. We do this through faith, asking the LORD for wisdom, and trusting in His Light and Perfection to guide us into all truth (John 16:3).

Avodah (Service):

In connection with the avodah (service) at the mishkan (Tabernacle), the question may arise as to why Aaron's descendants were chosen to serve, but not Moses'? In other words, why wasn't Moses chosen to be the Kohen Gadol for Israel?

Prophetically, even though Moses himself was a type (or picture) of the MESSIAH YESHUA, he was unable to enter into the land of ultimate promise, and the entire priesthood system based on the mishkan (and later, the Temple) was destined to be superseded by the greater priesthood after the order of Malki-Tzedek (Hebrews 7).


 Just as the LORD created mankind as the most important aspect of His creation, so He gave the instructions for lighting the menorah and burning ketoret (incense) after the Mishkan was created.

Mankind was ultimately created to worship the LORD God of Israel:

"Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.” Exodus 9:1

 MESSIAH YESHUA is the Great High Priest (and King) from the royal tribe of Judah! His priesthood is after the order of Malki-Tzedek, based on the unchanging promises of God Himself (Psalm 110:4) and excels the priesthood of Levi as much as the Substance excels its shadow (Hebrews 10:1, 13:10).

Nonetheless, the foreshadowing of the Mishkan was not given to Israel in vain, and (like the menorah and ketoret) our lives should shine the light of truth to others (Matt. 5:16) and evoke the savor of heaven wherever we go (2 Corinthians 2:14-16)

Notice that the first verse of the portion includes the phrase "You shall take for yourselves olive oil..." The implication of the commandment is not so much to give to the LORD as much as it is to take from one's life that which belongs to the LORD already. This act of returning to God is inviolable: establishing the correct order of life that yields blessing!

This principle is repeated several times throughout Scriptures. Here's one of them:

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Malachi 3:10

The portion ends with a description of the Golden Altar (Altar of Incense) upon which incense was offered twice a day by the priests when the Menorah lamps were serviced. In addition, the blood of atonement was to be placed on its corners once a year, during the Yom Kippur ritual.

The oil represents a sacrificial offering to the LORD, the olive must be crushed in order for it to produce the oil. We too need to offer up our lives as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to ADONAI, in order for the LORD to crush us, removing all of the impurities of the old nature, and bringing forth the gold and the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage in our lives!

"1Therefore I urge you, brothers, on account of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1-2


Why Your Support Matters:

As you know, creating high-quality media takes resources, and this vision is urgent. Your donation will directly support:

• TV Program Production: Reaching millions with the message of Yeshua and the importance of supporting Israel.

• Faith-Based Media: Producing movies, documentaries, and shows that reflect the truth of the Gospel and the significance of Israel in God’s plan.

• Music Production: Sharing the Gospel through powerful worship and faith-based music that touches hearts and opens lives to the Messiah.

• Podcasts

• School of Prophets & School of Ministry: Educating ministers in the Restoration

By investing in these projects, you are not only helping to advance the Kingdom of God but also ensuring that the message of salvation through Yeshua is broadcast across the nations. Your partnership will help us to reach people who may have never heard the Gospel and may never step foot into a church or synagogue.


How You Can Make a Difference:

1. Pray for Our Mission: We need your prayers as we move forward with this important ministry. Pray for favor, resources, and divine guidance.

2. Donate to Our Vision: Your financial support is crucial to making this vision a reality. Whether you give a one-time gift or set up monthly support, every contribution is an investment in the Kingdom of God.

3. Share the Vision: Help spread the word. Share this newsletter with friends, family, and others who might feel called to support this mission.

A Final Word: The Urgency of the Hour

The time is now. We are living in the final days, and the harvest of souls is at hand. Just as we must stand with Israel, we must also stand together to spread the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah. This is an urgent matter—souls are at stake, and the need is greater than ever.

We are grateful for your partnership in prayer and financial support. Together, we can make a powerful impact, not just in supporting Israel, but in reaching the lost with the Gospel message of salvation through Yeshua.

Thank you for standing with us. May God bless you richly, and may He continue to bless Israel and the work of His Kingdom.

Shabbat Shalom!

In His Service,

Elihana Elia & Dr. Hadassah Elia and team at RONI International Alliance, Lev

Echad One Heart Messianic Congregation & Restore Israel Ministry


Paul M. Cohen
Paul M. Cohen

Shalom from South Carolina. I read about Elihana's health issue and we are praying for complete healing in Yeshua's name. Keep everyone up to date with your progress.

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