A Blessed New Year 2019
I apologize if I couldn’t personally wish each and every friend and partner in ministry a happy 2019! But I wish each and every friend of mine a blessed and successful 2019.
As a Jew and Israeli, I confess I do not really celebrate New Years as the non Jewish world does however I have some personal reflections regarding 2018. 2018 was one of the most challenging yet most productive and fruitful years of my life. A year that proved that God is my Father, my source of everything, strength, joy and purpose to persevere in this book called life. I want to share with you all to give glory to God for His mercy and miracles in my life. Besides all the fierce challenges, I was able to fulfill many dreams together with my family: I completed and was honorably discharged from 2 years of my army service in the Israel Defense Forces, I produced and released 3 albums of worship music for God and to bless people with music in Hebrew, English, Portuguese and Spanish, I had the dream com true privilege to minister worship with my family representing Israel in one of the most amazing events in Israel in the outstanding presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD and all the nations during the Feast of Tabernacles in Ein Gedi, I sang HATIKVAH at the Pais Arena (the biggest arena in Jerusalem, Israel) and surprisingly PM Bibi Netanyahu delivered a speech immediately after, I released new albums and lead worship in Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to the Nations: the USA and Canada (in English, Portuguese and Spanish speaking communities), Europe and Brazil. I have amazing friends and family in Yeshua in Israel and all over the world, and I’m extremely thankful for each and every one of them and everything. I’m thankful for the family God gave me, thankfully we have never been more focused in fulfilling God’s calling and purposes for us in Israel in the nations. All for the glory of God, every tear and every smile, every battle and every victory, for the glory of God alone. We long for the day the Messiah will return to Zion and bring justice and peace to the world and I renew my vote with God in this new chapter of life to dedicate every breath for Him, for His Kingdom, and honor. 👑 May ״2019״ be filled with shalom (peace), anointing, health, dedication, joy, prosperity, productivity, fruitfulness and success. Shanah Tovah ezrachit. שנה טובה אזרחית