1 September, 2021: THANK YOU for all the Birthday Blessings!!
I want to thank everyone who took their time to remember and send me a blessing for my Birthday. I see each and every one of you though it may take some time to thank you individually! Love you all and thank you for the support.
I want to share the very first miracles I've experienced in my life. Firstly, my mother was barren and couldn't have children, she ended up having 4.
When I was born, the doctors said that I would not survive. My mom prayed to the GOD of ISRAEL and asked for mercy and in few hours YAH did the miracle, where doctors thought it would be impossible. My lungs were cleared up, and today I use them to sing worship for the glory of HaShem .
Therefore she made a new name she gave me my name Elihana that means in Hebrew, "My GOD is Merciful", for He has shown GREAT MERCY in my life...
May the God of miracles bless you all.
Deus fez um milagre na minha vida. Quando eu nasci, na minha primeira respiração eu respirei todo o líquido amniótico da minha mãe. Meus pulmões estavam entupidos e os médicos disseram que eu não iria sobreviver. Minha mãe orou a Deus e pediu misericórdia e em poucas horas Deus fez o milagre. Meus pulmões foram curados, e hoje eu uso meus pulmoes para cantar para a gloria de Deus.
Meu nome Elihana, significa em hebraico, "Meu DEUS e misericordioso".
אלוהים עשה נס בחיים שלי. כשנולדתי, בנשימה הראשונה שלי שתיתי את מי שפיר מהרחם של האמא שלי. הריאות שלי היו סתומות והרופאים אמרו שלא אשרוד. אמא שלי התפללה לאלוהים וביקשה רחמים ובכמה שעות שאלוהים עשה הנס. הריאות שלי התבהרו, והיום אני משתמש בם לשיר הלל
לכבודו של אלוהים. ברוך ה '.
השם שלי, אליחנה, פירושו "אלוהים שלי הוא רחום, מלאי חן/ חסד"
כל יום, ה 'מראה רחמים שלו בחיים שלי.
El Eterno Dios hizo un milagro en mi vida. Cuando nací, este día hace unos años, los médicos dijeron que no sobreviviría. Mi mamá oró al DIOS de ISRAEL y pidió misericordia y en pocas horas YAH hizo el milagro, donde los médicos pensaron que sería imposible. Mis pulmones se limpiaron y hoy los uso para cantar adoración para la gloria de HaShem!
Mi nombre Elihana significa en hebreo, "Mi DIOS es Misericordioso".
Él ha mostrado GRAN MISERICORDIA en mi vida ...